COVID-19, thrombosis and anticoagulation (WP4927)

Homo sapiens

Several hospitals and researchers have reported links between thrombosis and anticoagulation quite regularly for COVID-19 patients. This pathways combines this information, including biological mechanisms involved, in one graphical overview. The D-dimer is one of the protein fragments produced when a blood clot dissolves within the (human) body; when not properly degraded could lead to thrombosis. The graphical visualisation of (crosslinked) fibrin mesh leading to D-dimers is inspired by [ Wikipedia].


Denise Slenter , Egon Willighagen , Friederike Ehrhart , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Homo sapiens




Disease Ontology

severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19 thrombosis blood coagulation disease

Pathway Ontology

disease pathway

Cell Type Ontology



Label Type Compact URI Comment
Leupeptin Metabolite chebi:6426
Chloroquine Metabolite chebi:3638
Lactacystin Metabolite chebi:52722
NH4Cl Metabolite chebi:31206
MG132 Metabolite pubchem.compound:462382
Fibrinogen Metabolite wikidata:Q381899 Fibrinogen is a so-called Acute Phase Reactant, a class of proteins whose plasma concentrations increase or decrease at least 25 percent during inflammation.
Fibrinogen Metabolite wikidata:Q381899
Fibrin Metabolite wikidata:Q27205
Fibrin degradation products (FDPs) Metabolite wikidata:Q2162109
D-Dimer Metabolite wikidata:Q198526
FGA GeneProduct ncbigene:2243
FGB GeneProduct ncbigene:2244
FGG GeneProduct ncbigene:2266
FGB (Bβ) Protein uniprot:P02675 'FGB is not alternatively spliced'
Plasmin Protein uniprot:P00747
FGG (γ) Protein uniprot:P02679 'fibrinogen gamma chain (also termed the γ chain) encoded by the FGG gene'
FGB (Bβ) Protein uniprot:P02675 'the fibrinogen beta chain (also termed the Bβ or β chain) encoded by the FGB gene'
FGA (Aα) Protein uniprot:P02671 'fibrinogen alpha chain (also termed the Aα or α chain) encoded by the FGA gene'
FGA (AαE) Protein ncbiprotein:NP_000499.1 'Alternate splicing of the FGA gene produces a minor expanded isoform of Aα termed AαE which replaces Aα in 1–3% of circulating fibrinogen'
Factor XIII A chain Protein uniprot:P00488 Catalytically active
Thrombin Protein uniprot:P00734
Factor XIII B chain Protein uniprot:P05160 Not catalytically active, believed to stabilise A chain
FGG (γ') Protein ncbiprotein:NP_068656.2 'alternate splicing of FGG produces a minor isoform of γ termed γ' which replaces γ in 8–10% of circulating fibrinogen'


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