Hair follicle development: cytodifferentiation - stage 3 of 3 (WP2840)

Homo sapiens

The hair follicle (HF) is the biological unit responsible for producing a single hair shaft. The follicles are arranged with concentric epithelial progenitor layers surrounding the dermal core, which is the dermal papilla (DP). Classically, the development of the follicle itself can be divided into three stages: [ Induction], [ Organogenesis] and Cytodifferentiation. Hair follicle cytodifferentiation is the third main step in hair follicle development and leads to the formation of the bulbous peg. Source: [ Notch signaling and the developing hair follicle, by Geneviève Aubin-Houzelstein]


Daniel Trindade , Egon Willighagen , Jonathan Mélius , Friederike Ehrhart , Kristina Hanspers , Laurent Winckers , Denise Slenter , Eric Weitz , and Susan Coort


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

signaling pathway pertinent to development regulatory pathway

Cell Type Ontology

hair follicle cell


Label Type Compact URI Comment
S100A4 GeneProduct uniprot:P26447
KRT15 GeneProduct uniprot:P19012
KITLG GeneProduct uniprot:P21583
GJB6 GeneProduct uniprot:O95452
NR3C1 GeneProduct uniprot:P04150
ZBRB16 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000109906 Name of GeneProduct (ZFP145) is only know for Rattus norv.; found ortholog through Ensemble (1-to-1 mapping, name is ZBRB16 for Homo sap. )
NFATC1 GeneProduct uniprot:O95644
GSDMA GeneProduct uniprot:Q96QA5
CD200 GeneProduct uniprot:P41217
SPINK5 GeneProduct uniprot:Q9NQ38
SOSTDC1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q6X4U4
RBPJ GeneProduct uniprot:Q06330
B-catenin GeneProduct uniprot:P35222
ELANE GeneProduct uniprot:P08246
CUX1 GeneProduct uniprot:P39880
SOX9 GeneProduct uniprot:P48436
TCF3 GeneProduct uniprot:P15923
FOXQ1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q9C009
IGFBP5 GeneProduct uniprot:P24593
GATA3 GeneProduct uniprot:P23771
DKK1 GeneProduct uniprot:O94907
HOXC12 GeneProduct uniprot:P31275 (1, 2, 3 & 4) mx, cuticle, cx and md
(1) As embryonic hf morphogenesis reaches completion (P9), expression of the Hoxc13 is detected in the hair-shaft forming compartments of the matrix, cuticle, cortex and medulla.
(1) Hoxc13 directly regulates expression of the hair keratin genes such as K32, K35 and K37, and of the transcription factor Foxq1.
BCL11B GeneProduct uniprot:Q9C0K0
PHLDA1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q8WV24
Notch2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q04721
SPINK6 GeneProduct uniprot:Q6UWN8
KRTAP3-3 GeneProduct uniprot:Q9BYR6
ADAMTS20 GeneProduct uniprot:P59510
BMPR1A GeneProduct uniprot:P36894
KRT19 GeneProduct uniprot:P08727
Notch1 GeneProduct uniprot:P46531
ADAM17 GeneProduct uniprot:P78536
DLX3 GeneProduct uniprot:O60479
HOXC13 GeneProduct uniprot:O60479 (1, 2, 3 & 4) mx, cuticle, cx and md
(1) As embryonic hf morphogenesis reaches completion (P9), expression of the Hoxc13 is detected in the hair-shaft forming compartments of the matrix, cuticle, cortex and medulla.
(1) Hoxc13 directly regulates expression of the hair keratin genes such as K32, K35 and K37, and of the transcription factor Foxq1.
HR GeneProduct uniprot:O43593 Mx,Cx,Bulb
CASP14 GeneProduct uniprot:P31944
TCF4 GeneProduct uniprot:P15884
DKK3 Protein uniprot:Q9UBP4
LGR5 Protein uniprot:O75473
JUN Protein uniprot:P05412
Nf-kappaB Protein uniprot:P19838
KLK6 Protein uniprot:Q92876
FOS Protein uniprot:P01100
LHX2 Protein uniprot:P50458
WIF1 Protein uniprot:Q9Y5W5
DSC2 Protein uniprot:Q02487
NFKB1 Protein uniprot:P19838
SFRP1 Protein uniprot:Q8N474
PERP Protein uniprot:Q96FX8
IGF Protein uniprot:P05019
SOX2 Protein uniprot:P48431
PROM1 Protein uniprot:O43490
RUNX3 Protein uniprot:Q13761
DSG1 Protein uniprot:Q02413
Noggin Protein uniprot:Q9BZE4
BMP6 Protein uniprot:P22004
TP63 Protein uniprot:Q9H3D4
Smad1 Protein uniprot:Q15797
FOXE1 Protein uniprot:O00358
Gli2 Protein uniprot:P10070
Smad4 Protein uniprot:Q13485
DSG4 Protein uniprot:Q86SJ6
MSX1 Protein uniprot:P28360 Mx,Cx,Bulb
CD34 Protein uniprot:P28906
LRIG1 Protein uniprot:Q96JA1
FST Protein uniprot:P19883
GPRC5D Protein uniprot:Q9NZD1
KLK4 Protein uniprot:Q9Y5K2
KLK13 Protein uniprot:Q9UKR3
KLK14 Protein uniprot:Q9P0G3
KRTAP8-1 Protein uniprot:Q8IUC2
KRTAP15 Protein uniprot:Q3LI76
KRTAP6-1 Protein uniprot:Q3LI64
KRTAP2-4 Protein uniprot:Q9BYR9
FOSB Protein uniprot:P53539
LEF1 Protein uniprot:Q9UJU2
Wnt5a Protein uniprot:P41221
WNT5A Protein uniprot:P41221
DKK4 Protein uniprot:Q9UBT3
EGFR Protein uniprot:P00533
CTGF Protein uniprot:P29279
FZD1 Protein uniprot:Q9UP38
GAS1 Protein uniprot:P54826
Bmp4 Protein uniprot:P12644
Bmp6 Protein uniprot:P22004
TGFB Protein uniprot:P01137
Interferon gamma Protein uniprot:P01579
EGR2 Protein uniprot:P11161
FOXN1 Protein uniprot:O15353
MSX2 Protein uniprot:P35548 Mx,Cx,Bulb
KLK5 Protein uniprot:Q9Y337
KLK7 Protein uniprot:P49862


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