Cytokines and inflammatory response (WP879)

Pan troglodytes

See BioCarta version:


Thomas Kelder , Ferry Jagers , Christine Chichester , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Lauren J. Dupuis , Egon Willighagen , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Pan troglodytes



Pathway Ontology

inflammatory response pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
IL1A GeneProduct ncbigene:470485
IL1B GeneProduct ncbigene:450200
TGFB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:456060
IL10 GeneProduct ncbigene:469657
CD4 GeneProduct ncbigene:450124
IL1A GeneProduct ncbigene:470485
IL3 GeneProduct ncbigene:471626
IL10 GeneProduct ncbigene:469657
IL4 GeneProduct ncbigene:449565
IL3 GeneProduct ncbigene:471626
IL10 GeneProduct ncbigene:469657
IL13 GeneProduct ncbigene:449564
IL3 GeneProduct ncbigene:471626
CSF1 GeneProduct ncbigene:457127
IL7 GeneProduct ncbigene:464245
IL1A GeneProduct ncbigene:470485
IFNG GeneProduct ncbigene:449517
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
IFNG GeneProduct ncbigene:449517
IL4 GeneProduct ncbigene:449565
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
IL15 GeneProduct ncbigene:737808
IL5 GeneProduct ncbigene:743963
CXCL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:740176
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
CXCL1 GeneProduct ncbigene:740567
TGFB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:456060
IL6 GeneProduct ncbigene:463288
IL12B GeneProduct ncbigene:471723
IL15 GeneProduct ncbigene:737808
PATR-DRA GeneProduct ncbigene:462591
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
IL12B GeneProduct ncbigene:471723
IL11 GeneProduct ncbigene:736204
IL3 GeneProduct ncbigene:471626
IL6 GeneProduct ncbigene:463288
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
CSF2 GeneProduct ncbigene:471627
IL6 GeneProduct ncbigene:463288
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
IL1B GeneProduct ncbigene:450200
IL15 GeneProduct ncbigene:737808
IL6 GeneProduct ncbigene:463288
IL1B GeneProduct ncbigene:450200
IL1A GeneProduct ncbigene:470485
IL10 GeneProduct ncbigene:469657
TGFB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:456060
IL1A GeneProduct ncbigene:470485
CSF2 GeneProduct ncbigene:471627
LOC473183 GeneProduct ncbigene:473183
IL6 GeneProduct ncbigene:463288
IFNG GeneProduct ncbigene:449517
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
IL13 GeneProduct ncbigene:449564
IL4 GeneProduct ncbigene:449565
IL4 GeneProduct ncbigene:449565
IL1B GeneProduct ncbigene:450200
IL5 GeneProduct ncbigene:743963
IL4 GeneProduct ncbigene:449565
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
TNF GeneProduct ncbigene:744399
IL1B GeneProduct ncbigene:450200
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472
IL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:461472


  1. Chemical biology of inflammatory cytokine signaling. Kataoka T. J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2009 Dec;62(12):655–67. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia