Inhibitor of DNA binding (ID) signaling pathway (WP815)

Gallus gallus

Inhibitor of DNA binding (ID) proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix (HLH) family of proteins which lack a DNA binding domain themselves but bind to other family members inhibiting their DNA binding capacity. This family of proteins is comprised of IDs 1, 2, 3 and 4. They can be stimulated by ligands such as the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), TGF beta and the T cell receptor. Source: NetPath


Alex Pico , Christine Chichester , and Eric Weitz


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Gallus gallus



Pathway Ontology

Inhibitor of DNA binding signaling pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
ID1 GeneProduct ncbigene:395282
ID2 GeneProduct ncbigene:395852
ID3 GeneProduct ncbigene:395281
ID4 GeneProduct ncbigene:374150
ID2 GeneProduct ncbigene:395852
RB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:386582
RBL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:415721
RBL1 GeneProduct ncbigene:419126
TCF3 GeneProduct ncbigene:395146
MYOD1 GeneProduct ncbigene:374048
CCNA2 GeneProduct ncbigene:396172
CCNE1 GeneProduct ncbigene:426117
ELK4 GeneProduct ncbigene:419832
ELK3 GeneProduct ncbigene:417919
HES1 GeneProduct ncbigene:395128
PAX5 GeneProduct ncbigene:387330
PAX2 GeneProduct ncbigene:395574
MYF5 GeneProduct ncbigene:395633
MYF6 GeneProduct ncbigene:417873
MYOG GeneProduct ncbigene:374004
TCF12 GeneProduct ncbigene:396334
SREBF1 GeneProduct ncbigene:373915
MSC GeneProduct ncbigene:420179
BMP2 GeneProduct ncbigene:378779
BMPR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:374147
VEGFA GeneProduct ncbigene:395909
FLT1 GeneProduct ncbigene:374100
KDR GeneProduct ncbigene:395323
SMAD1 GeneProduct ncbigene:395680
SMAD5 GeneProduct ncbigene:395679
ATF3 GeneProduct ncbigene:421369
SMAD3 GeneProduct ncbigene:395132
TGIF1 GeneProduct ncbigene:396339
SMAD5 GeneProduct ncbigene:395679
SMAD1 GeneProduct ncbigene:395680
IGF1R GeneProduct ncbigene:395889
IGF1 GeneProduct ncbigene:418090
IRS1 GeneProduct ncbigene:429126
CTNNB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:395964
TERT GeneProduct ncbigene:420972
NFKB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:396033
BMP6 GeneProduct ncbigene:420868
CD40LG GeneProduct ncbigene:395485
NGFB GeneProduct ncbigene:396466
ATF3 GeneProduct ncbigene:421369
SMAD3 GeneProduct ncbigene:395132
EGF GeneProduct ncbigene:408035
TCF7L2 GeneProduct ncbigene:395508
