Amino acid conjugation (WP715)

Homo sapiens

Xenobiotic compounds containing a carboxylic acid group (-COOH) or an aromatic hydroxylamine (-NHOH) group can be substrates for amino acid conjugation. (Source: Amino acid conjugation is important in the biotransformation of several xenobiotic carboxylic acids. An amide or peptide bond can be formed between the carboxyl group of the xenobiotic and the amino group of an amino acid, mainly glycine, taurine or glutamine. (Source: Hutt A.J., Caldwell J. Conjugation Reactions In Drug Metabolism; Chapter 10 Amino acid conjugation; 1990).


Pieter Giesbertz , Kristina Hanspers , Martijn Van Iersel , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Irene Hemel , Chris Evelo , Denise Slenter , and Eric Weitz


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

amino acid metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Glycine Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000123
Phosphate Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0001429
ATP Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000538
L-Glutamine Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000641
Carboxylic acid Metabolite chebi:33575
Taurine Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000251


  1. Amino acid conjugation: contribution to the metabolism and toxicity of xenobiotic carboxylic acids. Knights KM, Sykes MJ, Miners JO. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2007 Apr;3(2):159–68. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia