17p13.3 (YWHAE) copy number variation (WP5376)

Homo sapiens

The 17p13.3 deletion or duplication ranging from chr17:1250000 to chr17:1300000, affects YWHAE gene. The YWHAE gene plays a role in a lot of different processes and is closely related to many diseases.


Ninagerrekens , Alex Pico , Friederike Ehrhart , Kristina Hanspers , Javier Millán Acosta , Eric Weitz , and Egon Willighagen


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

disease pathway

Disease Ontology

Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndrome


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Tyrosine Metabolite chebi:18186
Dopamine Metabolite chebi:18243
Noradrenaline Metabolite chebi:33569
L-Dopa Metabolite chebi:15765
YWHAE GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000108953
DBH Protein uniprot:P09172
NDEL1 Protein uniprot:Q9GZM8 By binding to phosphorylated NUDEL, YWHAE prevents dephosphorylation of phosphorylated NUDEL by PP2A
YWHAE Protein uniprot:P62258
YWHAB Protein uniprot:P31946
CDK5 Protein uniprot:Q00535
AADC Protein uniprot:P20711
LIS1 Protein uniprot:P43034
TH Protein uniprot:P07101 tyrosine hydroxylase
DCTN1 Protein uniprot:Q14203
DISC1 Protein uniprot:Q9NRI5
DYNC1H1 Protein uniprot:Q14204
YWHAG Protein uniprot:P61981
YWHAH Protein uniprot:Q04917
YWHAZ Protein uniprot:P63104
YWHAQ Protein uniprot:P27348
PPP2CA Protein uniprot:P67775
DCTN2 Protein uniprot:Q13561
DCTN3 Protein uniprot:O75935
DCTN4 Protein uniprot:Q9UJW0
DCTN5 Protein uniprot:Q9BTE1
DCTN6 Protein uniprot:O00399


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