Burn wound healing (WP5056)

Mus musculus

This pathway is part of a systematic review on currently known molecular players in burn wound healing in mammalians.


Maximilian Saller , Egon Willighagen , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Mus musculus



Cell Type Ontology

endothelial cell fibroblast myofibroblast cell keratinocyte

Pathway Ontology

cell-extracellular matrix signaling pathway immune response pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
L-Hydroxyproline Metabolite kegg.genes:C01157
NO Metabolite kegg.drug:C00533
Vegfa Protein uniprot:Q00731
PDRN Protein uniprot:P37913 Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN)
Protein-ID might be incorrect, as the manuscript does not specify the compound for treatment
Nos3 Protein uniprot:P70313
EPO Protein uniprot:P01588
Lama1 Protein uniprot:P19137
Fn1 Protein uniprot:P02751
Col1a1 Protein uniprot:P11087
Tnf Protein uniprot:P06804
Hbegf Protein uniprot:Q06186
Tgfb1 Protein uniprot:P04202
Pecam1 Protein uniprot:Q08481
Tgfbrap1 Protein uniprot:Q3UR70
Nos2 Protein uniprot:P29477
Flii Protein uniprot:Q9JJ28
Acta1 Protein uniprot:P68134
Gja1 Protein uniprot:P23242
Prodh2 Protein uniprot:Q8VCZ9 Hydroxyproline
Nlrp3 Protein uniprot:Q8R4B8
TP53 Protein uniprot:Q9WUR6 Cavia Percellus
CCND1 Protein uniprot:A0A286XN48 Cavia Percellus


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