Oligodendrocyte specification and differentiation, leading to myelin components for CNS (WP4304)

Homo sapiens

Oligodendrocyte differentiation and specification. Also the composition of the myelin sheaths.


Jesse Vercoulen , Egon Willighagen , Denise Slenter , Kristina Hanspers , Eric Weitz , Finterly Hu , and Martina Summer-Kutmon


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Homo sapiens



Cell Type Ontology

myelin accumulating cell glial cell oligodendrocyte myelin accumulating cell glial cell oligodendrocyte precursor cell

Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
phosphatidylethanolamines Metabolite chebi:16038
Cholesterol 27% Metabolite chebi:16113
Phosphatidylserine 4,8% Metabolite chebi:18303
Cerebrosides 22,7% Metabolite chebi:23079 Even though there are no absolute myelin-specific lipids, cerebroside, also known as galactosylceramide, is the most typical of myelin. The concentration of cerebroside in brain is directly proportional to the amount of myelin present. Cerebroside is not required for myelin formation but plays an important role in its insulating capacity and stability.
Sulfatide 3,8% Metabolite chebi:18318
Lecithins 11,2% Metabolite chebi:61995
Sphingomyelin 7,9% Metabolite chebi:17636
phosphatidylinositol Metabolite chebi:18179
Phosphatidylcholine Metabolite chebi:16110
phosphatidic acid Metabolite chebi:16337
T3 Metabolite chebi:18258
CXCL2 GeneProduct uniprot:P19875
FGF Protein uniprot:A0A087WUF6
IGF-1 Protein uniprot:P05019
MOG Protein uniprot:Q16653 MOG: myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
Olig2 Protein uniprot:Q13516
PDGF Protein uniprot:P01127
Olig1 Protein uniprot:Q8TAK6
SOX-5 Protein uniprot:P35711
MBP Protein uniprot:A8MZH3 The classic group of MBP isoforms are the most abundant protein components of the myelin membrane in the CNS. They have a role in both its formation and stabilization. MBP: myelin basic protein.
IL1b Protein uniprot:P01584
OMG Protein uniprot:P23515 OMgp: oligodendrocyte-meylin glycoprotein
MAG Protein uniprot:P20916 Adhesion molecule that mediates interactions between myelinating cells and neurons by binding to neuronal sialic acid-containing gangliosides and to the glycoproteins RTN4R and RTN4RL2 (By similarity). Not required for initial myelination, but seems to play a role in the maintenance of normal axon myelination. MAG: myelin associated glycoprotein.
PLP1 Protein uniprot:P60201 This is the major myelin protein from the central nervous system. It plays an important role in the formation or maintenance of the multilamellar structure of myelin.
CNPase Protein uniprot:P09543 May participate in RNA metabolism in the myelinating cell, CNP is the third most abundant protein in central nervous system myelin. CNPase: 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'phosphodiesterase.
SHH Protein uniprot:Q15465 Sonic Hedgehog
CNTF Protein uniprot:P26441
Nkx-2.2 Protein uniprot:O95096
Mash1 Protein uniprot:P50553
MyT1 Protein uniprot:Q01538
Nkx-2.6 Protein uniprot:A6NCS4
Gli2 Protein uniprot:P10070
SOX-8 Protein uniprot:P57073
SOX-9 Protein uniprot:P48436
SOX-10 Protein uniprot:P56693
SOX-6 Protein uniprot:P35712
BMP4 Protein uniprot:P12644 bone morphogenic proteins
bFGF Protein uniprot:P09038
CXCL1 Protein uniprot:P09341
TNFa Protein uniprot:P01375
LIF Protein uniprot:P15018
BMP2 Protein uniprot:P12643 bone morphogenic proteins


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