Mitochondrial gene expression (WP1263)

Mus musculus

Numerous nuclear-encoded genes co-ordinate the expression of genes encoded on the mitochondrial genome.


Kristina Hanspers , Andra Waagmeester , Daniela Digles , Eric Weitz , and Egon Willighagen


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Mus musculus



Pathway Ontology

mitochondrial transcription pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
cGMP Metabolite pubchem.compound:24316
cAMP Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000058
Ca2+ Metabolite pubchem.compound:271
Tfam Protein ncbigene:21780
Hcfc1 Protein ncbigene:15161
Tfb1m Protein ncbigene:224481
Tfb2m Protein ncbigene:15278
Pprc1 Protein ncbigene:226169
Mterfd1 Protein ncbigene:66410
Mterf Protein ncbigene:545725
Gabpa Protein ncbigene:14390
Polrmt Protein ncbigene:216151
Esrra Protein ncbigene:26379
Nrf1 Protein ncbigene:18181
Gabpb2 Protein ncbigene:213054
Sp1 Protein ncbigene:20683
Ppargc1a Protein ncbigene:19017
Ppargc1b Protein ncbigene:170826
Myef2 Protein ncbigene:17876
Camk4 Protein ncbigene:12326
Creb1 Protein ncbigene:12912
Ppp3ca Protein ncbigene:19055


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